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Te-Mi-Zhi-Ka Pottery by Betty Gaedtke, Quapaw
Specializing in Authentic Quapaw and Mississippian Pottery
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About Me and the Quapaw Nation
Contact Information and Locations of my Pottery
Video: Betty Gaedtke Quapaw Pottery Making Demonstration in her Studio
Video: Betty Gaedtke’s Talk at the Quapaw Quarters Association, Little Rock, Ar.
Video: The Art of Quapaw Pottery by Betty Gaedtke, at the Clinton Presidential Library, Little Rock, Ar.
Video: Native American Days with Betty Gaedtke in her Studio for the Shiloh Museum in Springdale, Ar.
Video: Quapaw Nation Powwow 2023
Video: Quapaw Stomp Dance
Video: Northern Cree at the Quapaw Powwow
Video: 2021 Quapaw Fall Gathering- Betty Gaedtke
Swirl Pot #526
This Swirl Pot measures 9 inches in width and 6 inches in height.
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Quapaw Stirrup Pot #484
Incised Swirl Pot #527